How To Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions In 2025

Beginning the new year involves hopeful planning of maintaining resolutions we set to keep throughout the year.

With it being just a couple of weeks into New Year 2025, you may have already made your New Year’s resolutions and either have kept them to or broken them. 

Even if the resolutions were broken over the first few days, it’s not too late to turn around and stick to them for the rest of the year.

Turn that discouragement around by finding new inspiration for achieving your goals this year. Here are some tips and tricks for staying aligned with your New Year’s resolutions throughout 2025!

Making resolutions and contributing all your effort to stick to them can be tiresome. You can log on to NetBet when you get the itch to play your favorite games and use the activity as a way to relax after working on your resolutions. 

Set Realistic, Achievable Goals

Start small when you voice your New Year’s resolutions. You don’t want them to be too high of a goal to reach because you can get discouraged and abandoned before you even start trying to make the change. 

Breaking down your goal into more manageable steps will help encourage you to embark upon it little by little.

For example, rather than saying you will have a two-hour workout a couple of times per week at the gym, declare that you will have at least three 20 to 30-minute workouts per week.

This makes the goal more manageable and helps you to start slow and steady. If you end up spending more than 20 to 30 minutes at the gym as you get into a groove with the workout, then you are exceeding your goal anyway!

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Create a Detailed Action Plan

It’s refreshing to jump into a goal and start doing it. However, it’s better to create a detailed action plan so you know how you will achieve the goal in a step-by-step fashion.

While hiccups may come along the way that could make you have to revisit your plan, taking the initiative to at least set up the action plan is crucial to maintaining your goal.

For example, your goal may be to save more money this year. Start by setting up automatic transfers to your savings account at least once a month.

Cut out unnecessary spending like unused subscriptions and eating out expenses. Be sure to regularly track your spending so you know where your money is going so you know how to better control it to maintain savings. 

Track Your Progress

Tracking your progress when you are en route to achieving a goal makes it more fun and exciting. If you are planning to exercise more, a fitness tracker can monitor your progress.

Choosing a budgeting app could help you with money-saving goals. Even something as simple as writing in a journal about how you became one step closer to achieving your New Year’s resolution that day can be a great option for tracking progress. 

Prioritize celebrating small wins along the way. This tactic will encourage you to keep up with your goal daily. As you see more with how far you have come, the more you will push through to maintain progress. 

Focus On Habits, Not Just Outcomes

Making New Year’s resolutions is not just about specific outcomes happening that change your life.

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It’s mainly about formulating new positive habits that stick with you for many years to come as you grow into the person you envision most. 

Taking a little bit of time each day to formulate a new habit can cause you to want to spend more time on it as the goal becomes more manageable and sustainable.

For example, if you want to start reading a book daily, you may start by reading just 10 minutes per day or half a chapter per day.

Again, implementing small steps can encourage you to keep going to maintain your resolution throughout the year. 

Create Accountability and Support Systems

Taking accountability is one of the hardest engagements when you are trying to achieve a goal to change for the better.

Acknowledge when you have been slacking on your goal and reward yourself accordingly when you have been regularly making efforts to stick to it. 

Tell your family and friends about your New Year’s resolution. Inform them what measures you’ve taken to reach your goal so far and how they can support you so you can maintain accountability.

If you know someone is repeatedly checking in with you about your goal’s progress, you’ll be more willing to take the steps necessary to keep going with it.

Support systems keep you motivated while developing a sense of camaraderie that helps you maintain focus with achieving your New Year’s resolution. 

Stay Flexible and Adjust As Needed

Life is highly unpredictable, so you might find that your original plan may not be working as well as you had hoped.

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It’s ok to be flexible with your New Year’s resolution as long as you are maintaining accountability and taking small steps towards changing to more positive habits.

If you find yourself struggling with a specific aspect related to your resolution, it’s advisable to readjust the parameters so you can keep changing at the pace that’s right for you. 

For example, you may have wanted to originally read for 30 minutes before bed every night.

However, you may find that your current schedule has you exhausted to where you can only achieve reading for 15 minutes before bedtime.

Adjusting this resolution means you are at least achieving the goal of getting reading time in even though you reduced it from 30 minutes to 15 minutes. 

Take Breaks and Reward Yourself

Taking on this New Year’s resolution can be a daunting task, especially if you are not used to regularly engaging in the habit.

As you dedicate more time to the goal (like increasing your reading time from 15 minutes daily to 30 minutes every day), don’t forget to take breaks in between achieving your goal and incorporating self-care along the way to reward yourself. 

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